Tuesday 9 February 2010

Whoa, those cows have LONG legsThe sheep have been moved from the field at the bottom of the garden, I quite miss them. Now we have cattle and they are BIG. I went down to the bottom gate and barked as loudly as I could so that they knew I was a dog to be taken seriously, but they all came over to say hello. It was nice to make even more friends....I wonder if I could bring them inside to play tonight???...... but I was a bit put out that they were not even a tiny bit scared. When the cows followed us to the top of the garden and looked over the wall their legs seemed to have grown, I don't quite understand how that happened.

9th October

There have been times when I have given the impression that P wants everything her way????? Perhaps she is a closet control freak! By now she must have accepted that Pippin the Pup is all powerful and those who have been chosen to serve should be grateful and not carry on about the Life Decisions that I make. A chap should be allowed to smell however he wishes, take yesterday, I had wandered down to talk to the cows when I spied a little gap in the fence through to the field. My friends wanted me to go in and visit so I squeezed through and joined the herd. Even I will admit they are pretty big close to but they were very nice to me...then I heard it, frantic calling...must she always over react? Anyway it was close to teatime so I made my way back across the field when I spied it - a large steaming cow-pat - how could I resist? I rolled and rolled until I was covered then squeezed back through the hole. Give her her due she picked me up but not without muttering some pretty harsh words. I am not used to being spoken to like that!!! SHE BATHED ME!!!!

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