Tuesday 9 February 2010

2nd November
I know that I haven't spoken to you for a while but that is because I have been trying to be good and to be honest the days when I'm good by P's standards are singularly uninteresting and leave me little to tell you about. However, every so often I have to assert my independence and this was the case last week. We took the car to the garage to have it fixed (again!!! I have no idea how it's still on the road). Anyway, whatever it was was not going to take long so we walked over to the cafe to wait. P chose a table outside and..to my disgust.....tied me to the railings until she went in to order. As you can imagine gentle readers this was more than bone and fur could stand so I chewed through the lead, went to the door, waited for the next person to go in and slipped in with them. I thought she'd be pleased to see me. She wasn't and the owner was decidedly frosty! All the while P had her cup of tea she went on and on about how the lead had cost twelve pounds and now that it had a knot in it would no longer retract. Can this honestly be something I should have to worry about???

Anyway, past and done, today is P's birthday and I am being very nice to her and a very well behaved pup......just for today.

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