Tuesday 9 February 2010

13th February was my birthday, I was two. It was a good day. P sang Happy Birthday at midnight and again when we got up, she hadn't got more tuneful after a night's sleep! The whole morning was about ME, we played ball in the garden and tug of war with all my toys and I had a bath and got brushed for my official birthday photo. I don't think it looks like me but I guess it's good for a lad to look smart sometimes. Unfortunately I forgot about the party in the afternoon and went and rolled in the snow so I was a scruffy mess again by the time everyone arrived. It was nice to have all my friends to tea and I had one of my new pig's ears that Rose brought straight away. There was a birthday cake for people and one for me. Rosie helped me blow out the candles then I took my presents round to show everyone. In the photo I am showing Rose and Rosie the teddy bear that Mary gave me. I had a phone call from Surrey which was special. I was quite tired by the time everyone left and P and I had an early night. I took one of my favourite chews that Audrey had given me up to bed and I took my new teddy bear, his name is Valentine. It was a good day and I am looking forward to my next birthday.

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