Tuesday 9 February 2010

February 14th

Happy Valentines Day to Willow, Maxi, Dasher, Maisie, Fishes, Turtles and Hens

Thank you to all my friends for the birthday messages you posted, it really made my day. x

What a day I had yesterday, it was brilliant. We met up with most of my dog friends at the beach very early in the morning and ran through the mist barking madly. sciruffy got a bit lost but we found him. I had chicken for lunch which is my all time favourite and as I don't usually have lunch now it was a treat. In the afternoon village friends came with cards and gifts, I got loads of chews and a teddy bear. There was a cake with a candle for the human contingent and a cake made out of rabbit (yum) for me. when it was brought in I thought I could eat it straight away but no......they started to SING.....for goodness sake, I was forced to BEG!!!!! not something I choose to do very often but it had the desired result and the cake was wonderful (P did remember to take the candle out)

During the afternoon my guests thought they would chat and drink tea. No no no no no!!!!!! My birthday, my guests, I must be the centre of attention at all times so I ran round like a mad thing trying to find the e numbers they were talking about, jumped on everyone, grabbed their clothing, licked their faces, made them throw toys for me, posed for photos and generally made my presence felt. P said that I was being a right little pain and wouldn't be having a second birthday party but my friends kindly put it down to too many chews and too much rich food. Nobody left until late by which time I was very tired but P wanted to take one more photo of me in party mode. It was all very posed and contrived, it amazes me sometimes what amuses her but here is the result. (does my head look big in that hat?????)

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