Tuesday 9 February 2010


Sorry, I haven't been on for ages, life in a village can be pretty busy. P has just been in a Play, the first stage production in the village for fifty years!! Well obviously I have had to go through her lines with her, I did a lot of appreciative tail wagging but truly I don't think she'll be on Broadway any time soon. The play however went down a treat and the village turned out in force, standing room only. A good evening but I'm glad we're back to normal.
P and I came to an agreement, I would get my walks by the river if I didn't bite the heads off any more snowdrops. A chap had to agree but there is still a temptation there.

Last night we went to an Australian Night s a sort of post play 'do'. It was great fun, I won the raffle, ate crocodile tail, kangaroo and ostriche!!!!!!!!!, got a great deal of fuss, behaved like an English gentleman despite the theme.....but I would NOT wear the hat. Even in the name of fun I have to have some standards.

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