Saturday 6 February 2010

We went to two Fairs while we were in Surrey. At the first one P and I had to put our heads through holes in a board so that the family could throw wet sponges at us......WHY????..... No, no don't worry, no puppies were hurt during the madness, all the sponges were thrown at P and I just drank the water as it rolled down the board.

When we went to the second fair there were loads of very exciting animals there. I was a bit concerned that people were taking more notice of a huge tortoise and a baby croc than they were of me but I must admit I was interested too.

I was all ready to take on the tortoise but I was secretly very glad that someone was holding the croc's jaws closed. So you see it was quite an eventful holiday for a young chap like me. It was a long journey home but it was fun to be back in my own garden. I ran round and round gigging up chews and toys that I burried before I left. They were all wet and dirty and I don't think P was any too pleased when I brought them all in but I had been so good on the train that she let medo as I usual.

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