Tuesday 9 February 2010


Good morning, today is my first birthday and I wanted to say hello before heading off for the beach. Actually my celebrations started on Monday when we went to sewing, there was a cake, with a candle. P helped me blow the candle out but I am sure I could have managed on my own.

This morning I have opened birthday cards, toys, chews, a comb???, a new lead and a squeaky toy. Not a bad haul. My doggy friends are meeting up on the beach in about an hour for a birthday walk and I am really looking forward to that. (P has "had her back" for quite a few days so there have not been as many walks as I would like) This afternoon I have human friends coming to tea (another cake?) so I will be the centre of attention for quite a while. Does this mean I'm not a puppy anymore????

I will post photos of today's celebrations tomorrow, I just wanted to share my day with you. Woof x

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