Tuesday 9 February 2010

I have had a great Christmas, we went to lots of Christmas fetes and fairs, sang carols round the tree on the green and opened presents and ate goose. Audrey spent Christmas day with us and took the photo of me opening my stocking. I had expected a very large Christmas dinner but evidently we had to be careful my tummy wasn't upset....yeh!!....I thought that was what one did at Christmas. On boxing day we went out for another christmas dinner with friends and then the same on the Thursday ALL TOGETHER AGAIN On Thursday night Kim and the children arrived from Surrey to spend New Year with us and I was really excited. I'd just got used to them being here when they all went to bed but I was there in the morning to meet, greet and kiss. At one point Kim could hardly get her breath but I'm sure she liked it. We went to the beach and Joseph and I tried to jump the blocks, Joseph jumped them all and back again while I only managed to climb onto one. I did get right to the top corner though. I went skate boarding with them and walks and we went into town and on Old Year's Night we all went to a big party in the village hall. I was up way beyond my bedtime but it was fun.

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