Tuesday 9 February 2010


I have a new hobby! Bird watching! Now that P has filled the containers there are hundreds of them it's just like having my own private television. I don't suppose you can see them on the tiny thumbnail but take my word for it they are there. Of course you can double click to make it bigger.

I have been getting some lovely messages so thank you to Joseph, Imogen, Eleanor, Fiona and Anon. I enjoyed hearing about Dasher and Maisie, more info please Fiona. I also liked hearing about Christmas presents Eleanor, I took P to the pet shop and sat by the Christmas stockings until she bought one. It has a little stuffed mouse head on the top which is quite fitting, I have brought a lot of mice in lately. P does give me that look when I let them go but honestly they are only small and it is my home I should be entitled to have guests! It has been pointed out that I am a bit slow posting copy but it isn't easy when you have to rely on someone else is it? I do spend a lot of my day doing engaging little things that one would think would have her rushing to the keyboard but no!! Evidently she doesn't want to get behind with her open university work BUT .......priorities P priorities!!

18th December

I am sorry to have been away so long, I had to look after a poorly Penelope for quite a while then once she was up and about again things seemed to be a mad rush getting ready for christmas. I enjoyed hearing about Dasher and Maisie, I think we would have a lot of fun if we lived near each other. You asked if I had goals to achieve.....well....in my own little world I already have world domination so that is out, I would like to be as tall as Flanagan, P's last dog, but that is unlikely.....I would like to be friends with Willow the cat but that is also unlikely, maybe just being perfect and adored is enough??

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