Tuesday 9 February 2010

NOV 19th

Penelope and I have had a quiet few days, she has had a lot of work to do on the computer so I have had to entertain myself rather too often. I rather like the routine of our days though, it all goes something like this.

When we get up and I have had a quick whiz outside for reasons we will not discuss here it is cuddle time. We curl up on the sofa and I get stroked and petted and told what a good boy I am. This is my favourite time of the day but all too soon the computer is switched on and P reaches for her glasses. I go out to play. It isn't always easy to see what is going on next door so I climb onto King Arthure's Seat for a better view, I can keep an eye on most things from here. Then we have a walk round the village, great fun but P does stop to talk a lot. When we get home I have a doze while P pops out to shop or whatever. Another walk in the afternoon, the beach is my favourite, then I get a chewy treat to play with while P finishes her work. As soon as she takes her glasses off I know she's stopped working so I belt across the room and leap on her. As soon as she's got her breath back I find my ball and it's time to play. I can only play for a while because I like to go and watch for the children coming out of school, I know lots of them now and sometimes they come over to talk to me. We go for a last walk before it gets dark then P lights the fire. I saw the fire for the first time last week and I have to admit I was rather worried about it. Even though I now like to sit by it because of the warmth I feel safer if I take gorilla and duck with me. P and I wander out into the garden last thing because she likes to look at the stars and I need to......well, never mind about that. then off to bed. I have a lovely furry bed that once belonged to Willow but got passed on to me, I have tiger and rabbit to sleep with and once P finally puts the light out and stops reading I can go to sleep. And so, dear reader, that more or less sums up one of our quiet 'at home' days.

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