Wednesday 3 February 2010

23rd July
Somehow the last post printed before I had intended so now I will tell you about my holiday. I had assumed that the whole of the holiday would be for my amusement, but, I was disgusted to be put into kennels for the day....A WHOLE DAY!!!!!!! Just so that Kim and Penelope could go to Hampton Court Flower Show. I did manage to make them feel REALLY guilty, as the kennel owner carried me away I gazed longingly over his shoulder to where P was standing and believe me gentle reader my bottom lip quivered (not easy to do with an undershot jaw) I showed my displeasure again when they came for me in the afternoon, I weed all over them, it had the desired effect and P declared that the next day would be a Pippin Day and we would only do things that I would like. Result.

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