Tuesday 9 February 2010

As you see I dressed for Christmas. I couldn't decide which subect to use for my fancy dress so apart from the angel I did the whole nativity as well. What do you think? It was a bit of a squash in the crib when I was Jesus but it was nice and warm on a rather cold day. P and I went to Surrey for Christmas and had a really good time. I was a little spoilt but really that is only fitting. I got a new toy called Gilbert that I cuddle when I go to sleep. I'll put his photo on too. When we got home I carried Gilbert all round the garden so he got used to his new home. We have just about got back into the swing of the village, I've been back to the sewing group and it was good to see my friends again, I'd missed them. Last night I went to a slide show in the village hall last night and caught up with more friends.

I hope you all had a good Christmas and got as many presents as I did and that 2009 brings us all everything we could wish for.

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