12th June
I am making friends in the village, I met a really nice dog today called Stella and there is a big black dog on the other side of the village who runs to his gate to greet me when I pass. I will tell you more about him when I find out his name.
15th June
Things have been a bit quieter this last couple of days and P and I have had achance just to walk round the village so that I can get used to places. We also had a trip to the nearest town where there is a very nice pet shop. P ordered a new collar and lead for me and the lady who served us gave me a puppy treat. I didn't really like it but I didn't want to be rude so I waited until I got back to the car before spitting it out.
16tth June
We went to a coffee morning in the village hall today and it was great fun. I found lots of crumbs and bits of biscuits under the table and got fussed a lot. I liked that. When it came to raffle time P bought me my own raffle tickets and I sat on a chair and held them tightly waiting for my prize. I know P had her eye on the chocolates and wine but I was drawn to the smelly stuff, I thought it would hide the smell from some of the things I like to roll in so that P didn't notice and bath me. Anyway, the vicar called out number after number but none of them were mine. P said not to worry, next time there was a tombola she would get me tickets for that as there was more chance of winning. A good idea but it didn't quite dull the disapointment.
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