A rose by any other name! I found this flower today, well not found exactly it was in a vase on the table but I knew that not only would I look cute but P would see it as a photo opportunity. How right I was, I only had to sit there looking begiling for a few seconds and out came the camera. I thought the flower would be fun to play with but once I had plucked out a few petals and chewed the stem for a while I got bored.
I had quite a pile of treasures on the floor today that I'd brought in from the garden. You have no idea the number of smelly things I can find at the edge of the pond. Anyway I had them piled up quite nicely but as soon as my back was turned they disapeared????? Now I suspect P but I haven't caught her moving things yet. Still I found a bok of hers on the floor, she must have been going to start her own pile I guess, so I chewed it....treasure for treasure I say.
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