What a great day I have had, I was made to be spoilt. When it turned midnight and my special day had started, P took me for a walk down by the river, we love to be out when it's still and quiet and there is no-one else out (just as well, she was in her dressing gown!!!) We were both chilly when we got back but the fire was still on and P had a hot chocolate and I had a pigs ear.
When we got up in the morning I opened P's card then my presents. I got a new Roar Paw because the roar has gone from my other four. P says it's because I take them outside in the rain??? I got lots of cuddles during the morning then a phone call from Surrey. Would you believe, apart from an ecard with chipmunks singing happy birthday they sang to me down the phone and cut a cake the girls had baked with Roxy that had three candles on. Hey, did I feel special or what??
Later on friends from the village came in and would you believe it I got more presents!! Yummy little bones with meat in, my favourite chews, meat with bacon on the top mmmmmm and a toy pheasant. Now the pheasant makes very realistic noises and I wasn't at all sure that it was dead so I set about making sure. I shook it so hard that I got a bit of a headache but Phez knew who was boss I can tell you.
Then my cake came out with three candles on, more singing then a general hub-ub of tea, cake, biscuits and chat. There were pleanty of people to play with me and I wasn't still for a second but by the end of the afternoon I was glad to settle in for a cuddle or find a knee to sit on.
When everyone had gone I was really quite tired and I think both P and I had a little doze before going out for a walk. Usually we go to the beach on my birthday but we never got there today, however P has promised that we will go tomorrow so all in all it is turning out to be a very fine weekend.
By bedtime I was more than ready for bed. I have a lovely comfy fur bed (thank you willow) and on really cold nights like tonight P puts a warm hot water bottle underneath...bliss.