Monday 10 October 2016

I've been on an adventure today. Our normal dog walk goes down the path of the old railway line but becomes very overgrown at the end. P wanted to get as far as the river so that she could catch water pokermon so we enlisted the help of Spike and Clare and Clare's machete.

We followed Clare into the undergrowth with P bringing up the rear carrying nothing more useful than a camera.

A path was cleared right to the river and Spike went in for a swim. I had hung back for a bit to keep an eye on base camp.

We rested for a while back at base camp then home for lunch. I rather enjoy adventures.


Spike said...

Well Pippin old chap,just as well you stayed at base camp my mistress was slashing the undergrowth and wielding that machete as though she was in the jungle... I had to keep well away! The path is clear now so maybe next time they go to the river we could go for a paddle.
Your pal

uncle pip said...

Weeeellll, yes we could legs are a bit shorter than yours and the bank is quite steep and it's deep water and I'm just the teeniest bit afraid of I won't bother!!!!!