Saturday 31 December 2016

I've had three friends staying for the day and we had some fun walks.

Spike, Tilly and I found something REALLY interesting. Blue pretended she didn't want to know what it was but I bet she did really.

I was a bit put out when we got home, Blue and Tilly commandeered MY sofa and refused to make room for me, personally I prefer my window but I wasn't going to admit that to them.

HOWEVER.......sorry, I shouldn't shout, however, Spike took over the window watching for his mum coming home - not sure having company is such a good idea!!

Everyone has gone home now so P and I can mellow out and enjoy the evening.

Wednesday 21 December 2016


Friday 25 November 2016

Wow, little paddy-paws got a bit cold this morning but it was all very beautiful so P went back for her camera which meant we had to do the walk twice. I for one was more than ready to go home for my breakfast porridge.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Today is P's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY... I helped out a lot by grabbing as much birthday cake as I could to make sure she didn't eat too much, there are times a lad simply has to stand up and be counted. We've had a good day.

Thursday 20 October 2016

I had some of the gang round the other day and P said we could do whatever we wanted but her sofa was out of bounds. Well, she shouldn't have gone through for a drink should she? Any self respecting dog is going to head straight for a warm cosy sofa. I wasn't quick enough to get my usual window seat but I did make sure I had room to stretch out.

Saturday 15 October 2016

I have just been subjected to a totally unnecessary bath!!!!!
The indignity of it!
Ok, I was a little muddy and ok, I had plodged through the mud and ok I had rolled in a satisfying amount of deer poo (this was the clincher as far as P was concerned) and ok, looking at the photos the water isn't exactly clean...BUT.... I liked the smell and it took a prodigious amount of effort to get that smelly but never mind, tomorrow is another day and another pile of deer poo no doubt.

Monday 10 October 2016

I've been on an adventure today. Our normal dog walk goes down the path of the old railway line but becomes very overgrown at the end. P wanted to get as far as the river so that she could catch water pokermon so we enlisted the help of Spike and Clare and Clare's machete.

We followed Clare into the undergrowth with P bringing up the rear carrying nothing more useful than a camera.

A path was cleared right to the river and Spike went in for a swim. I had hung back for a bit to keep an eye on base camp.

We rested for a while back at base camp then home for lunch. I rather enjoy adventures.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Spike, who lives next door came round to visit yesterday. He found my stuffed pheasant and rather took to him. I was not amused!!! His owner said that Spike has been known to 'kill' toys so she rescued it for me. P then hid it in the spokes of the garden umbrella, not the best of hiding places, Spike had sussed it in no time and set up retrieval offensive. P found a better hiding place and Spike returned to happily playing with his ball. Whew!

Sunday 28 August 2016

I do try to indulge P whenever it doesn't interfere with my own wishes so I have happily accompanied her on Pokermon quests of late. In all fairness we have had some really long walks that I have really enjoyed so I was prepared to accept her latest long as it didn't take too much of her attention away from me. HOWEVER her pesky Pokermon have invaded my home, not only that, one had the temerity to sit on my sofa!!!!! Well, as you can imagine dear reader I could not put up with that and was forced to give him a severe scare.....I think.

Saturday 27 August 2016

I thought you would like to see some photos of the gang coming back from a morning walk so I got P to take some photos. Now wouldn't you think she would manage to get everyone in view at the same time? Ah well, I will put two photos up so that you can see all six of us. I love it when we all go out together. Obviously as soon as I see a camera I sit right at the front to be shown off to best advantage but I didn't mind when my best pal Spike came to sit beside me.

Sunday 14 August 2016

P and I had a very exciting day last week, we were invited on board one of the beautiful tall ships that is part of the Tall Ship Race at the end of the month. Even with her sails down (if that is the correct terminology) she was just lovely. I have to say that getting an aged P and a small dog on board wasn't easy but well worth it.

Monday 8 August 2016

I've been rather stressed lately because P has been a bit poorly but she is much better now and we are able to do things again. We were the ace raffle team for a friend's pop-up charity shop which was great fun. I think P got a bit tired but she did well as my assistant.
If you wish to leave a message for us click on the message sign below, we would love to chat with you.

Friday 5 August 2016

What a long time it's been since I talked to you, sorry about that but my paws don't cope with the keyboard so I have to rely on P and she has not been on the ball. Now however I have some lovely OU friends that I want to keep in touch with and P has promised faithfully to keep this blog up to date so that they know what I'm doing.
Since we last met P and I have moved house and we live in a railway cottage now. There are lots of dogs near by who are my friends and we go for walks together along the old railway track and it's rather good fun to be one of the gang. I obviously need a lot of rest with all the walks and my favourite place is on the windowsill in the sunshine.