Saturday 30 January 2010


A rose by any other name! I found this flower today, well not found exactly it was in a vase on the table but I knew that not only would I look cute but P would see it as a photo opportunity. How right I was, I only had to sit there looking begiling for a few seconds and out came the camera. I thought the flower would be fun to play with but once I had plucked out a few petals and chewed the stem for a while I got bored.

I had quite a pile of treasures on the floor today that I'd brought in from the garden. You have no idea the number of smelly things I can find at the edge of the pond. Anyway I had them piled up quite nicely but as soon as my back was turned they disapeared????? Now I suspect P but I haven't caught her moving things yet. Still I found a bok of hers on the floor, she must have been going to start her own pile I guess, so I chewed it....treasure for treasure I say.


We have just had sush an interesting meeting. The vicar was here with Audrey and Michelle setting up a Family Service when a bat flew in the open door. You can no doubt imagine the scene. P tried to catch it in a seive...well that was never going to work was it???....As soon as she stopped Batty found his own way out, smart bat. I was most offended when P shut me in my cage while she tried to catch him, did she think I was going to eat Batty for heaven's sake. Anyway, I couldn't take that lying down so I barked as loudly as I could, that contributed greatly to the general mayhem, it was all great fun. Once everyone had left I was quite exhausted and collapsed in my nice furry bed for a while. What a good morning.

Just when I thought my cup runneth over a further accolade has been bestowed upon me. I have been made mascot for the local scouts group. We had a church service this morning but I don't have a proper uniform so I just had to go in a kneckerchief, honestly, P has no idea how to care for a celebrity. After the service we all played football (yes all right, I ran off with the ball) then I helped P do scout type tasks so that I could win a pretend tenderfoot badge. Best of all I had a burger, I soon got rid of the bun and ate the meat. I did go round trying to share everyone elses burger but that wasn't as successful as I'd hoped.

Friday 29 January 2010


This is a pretty little village with a river running through the middle, lots of trees and green.I have only met one other dog so far, he is called Spike. He seems nice but a bit disinteresred for my liking.

P has bought me an indoor run, personally I call it a cage but the door is open most of the time so I can go in and out as I wish. Evidently the door will be closed if P goes out so that I can't chew wires or cusions...again. Does she not understand that it would be so much easier for her just to stay home all the time so that I was never alone.

May 2007

'Home' isn't as bad as I thought but I do miss the rest of my family.No children to play with, no Kim and Matthew to explain that my every action is acceptable, no hens to talk to and no cat to tease. I do however have P's undivided attention and I will make it my life's work to make sure that continues.

We live in a village and so far everyone seems very friendly, I have been to church, even though I was right in the back pew. I also went to the sewing group which was great because we sat in a lovely conservatory and I got fussed a lot and the odd biscuit, I was on my best behaviour because I want to go again next week .

May 2007

I love to run round and round the garden and I'm really happy was a little surprised to hear talk of P and I 'going home', especially since I thought that I was home!! Evidently P lives in a place called Northumberland and in a few days she and I will be on a train and going to live somewhere strange to me. I don't want to go, I like it here in Surrey and I don't want to go. Well, so much for my wishes, without a by your leave I was taken to London and put on a train, with P, and off we went North. I did of course have my own suitcase because I had ammassed a lot of things.


May 31st 2007
Hello, my name is Pippin and I was rescued from a pet shop by Penelope and Kim. Kim bought me for penelope who is her mum. I was very scared when they took me out of the shop but P held me close in the car and I was taken to Kim's house. Suddenly my life was so busy because when Matthew got home from work I was able to captivate him too. Then there were four children to play with, Samuel, Joseph, Eleanor and Imogen. The garden, with hens in was very interesting and the large cat called Willow was......a challenge.There was so much to learn, what to eat, what not to eat, not to chew fingers, where to wee, how not to get my nose pecked, how to get the better of Willow......still working on that one.

We seemed to visit a lot of garden centers, I can't go on the ground yet because I haven't had my injections, obviously I need a pillow, my water bowl, toys and I expect the camera to be on hand at all times.