Oh gloom!! P has started another Open University course!!! We have had such a good summer with a great deal of me,me,me time that I thought that was all done but no, more books arrived. It isn't just the time she spends at the computer and reading books though that is time that could be spent in much more productive ways....like pandering to me!!! She reads things to me!!!**!! long, uninteresting essays, things she has written that have no place or interest in the world of a superior dog. I can quite understand that she can hear the mistakes by reading out loud...believe me gentle reader so can I, but I wish to talk about me. I did however try to help this time by having a look at the books myself so that I could give a few pointers but I have to tell you....I do not understand Doctor Faustus???!!!***
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Saturday, 4 September 2010
It was a good morning, I got a certificate!! and a prize!! We had a village Sunflower Competition and the tallest was just huge.....but there was a prize for the smallest too, that is what I won!! P doesn't think I should have won because mine was only the smallest because I ate the top of it but there was nothing in the rules to say that I couldn't eat it. Anyway, Marion is more generous than P and she presented me with my certificate which P has put on the wall by my bed.
It was a good morning, I got a certificate!! and a prize!! We had a village Sunflower Competition and the tallest was just huge.....but there was a prize for the smallest too, that is what I won!! P doesn't think I should have won because mine was only the smallest because I ate the top of it but there was nothing in the rules to say that I couldn't eat it. Anyway, Marion is more generous than P and she presented me with my certificate which P has put on the wall by my bed.
You will be shocked to learn Gentle Reader that I have been rather badly done to!!!! I was so looking forward to a visit from Becky but just before she came P said something about allergies to dogs????? How could that be?? Nobody would be allergic to dogs....we are wonderful. However, as soon as Becky arrived I was SHUT IN THE KITCHEN. Sorry to shock you but hey, it happened. Twice when P came through to put the kettle on I escaped and I made sure it took a lot of food to tempt me back. Not one of my better days I can tell you.
You will be shocked to learn Gentle Reader that I have been rather badly done to!!!! I was so looking forward to a visit from Becky but just before she came P said something about allergies to dogs????? How could that be?? Nobody would be allergic to dogs....we are wonderful. However, as soon as Becky arrived I was SHUT IN THE KITCHEN. Sorry to shock you but hey, it happened. Twice when P came through to put the kettle on I escaped and I made sure it took a lot of food to tempt me back. Not one of my better days I can tell you.
Sunday, 8 August 2010
I know it was only third in the dog with the waggiest tail but hey, I got a goodie bag full of yummy things. It was only a fun dog show in one of our villages but I was very pleased and carried my rosette round all afternoon and fell asleep with it still in my mouth. P has pinned it to the curtain along with the first I got last time.
I know it was only third in the dog with the waggiest tail but hey, I got a goodie bag full of yummy things. It was only a fun dog show in one of our villages but I was very pleased and carried my rosette round all afternoon and fell asleep with it still in my mouth. P has pinned it to the curtain along with the first I got last time.
What an exciting day we had in July. Ninette rang to say that her dad was coming up in his plane and did P and I wish to go and have our photo taken in it. The reason for that was that whenever we are out little children come up to me because I look like Pippin from the television programme Come Outside. Some of them think that I really am that Pippin (con't understand why, I am MUCH better looking!!) so they expect P to have a spotty plane like Aunty Mabel. Well, the plane was all white but P played with paintshop and put lots of spots on, now we look the business.

P and I have been on another break to Surrey this month and we really enjoyed ourselves, We watched the World Cup and because P's ex husband Malcolm lives in Spain we decided to support them. I was given a hat to wear and it must have done the trick because they won.

When we came back Kim came to the station to see us off and let me have a ride on the trolly, I liked that.
Thursday, 10 June 2010
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Whew, it's a busy old life down here, there is always something going on. Joseph had his confirmation on the 23rd, he is the handsome blonde one in the front of the picture. As you will have seen there is one very important thing missing from this family outing......ME!!! I know you will find this hard to understand dear reader but I was not invited to the church!! As I am a good natured kind of a dog I have posted the photo anyway. Now, I can understand that me being banned from Church was not Joseph's fault, I am not quite as undertanding that yesterday Kim and P left me behind when they went to Chelsea Flower Show. Didn't they think it through, flowers for me to smell, trees to wee on, loads of soil to dig in.....why would I not go??????? Not only was I left behind, I was put in kennels for the day. I made my feelings very clear, as the chap carried me off I yelled and cried....very loudly.....I could see that P was in tears by the time she got to the car but I am sure she will be the first to admit it was self inflicted. In one of the gardens at the show P found a stone dog that looked like me and took a photo so that proves that she was thinking of me which is nice. I have to admit everyone has been very nice to me today in an attempt to make up for it. It didn't.
Whew, it's a busy old life down here, there is always something going on. Joseph had his confirmation on the 23rd, he is the handsome blonde one in the front of the picture. As you will have seen there is one very important thing missing from this family outing......ME!!! I know you will find this hard to understand dear reader but I was not invited to the church!! As I am a good natured kind of a dog I have posted the photo anyway. Now, I can understand that me being banned from Church was not Joseph's fault, I am not quite as undertanding that yesterday Kim and P left me behind when they went to Chelsea Flower Show. Didn't they think it through, flowers for me to smell, trees to wee on, loads of soil to dig in.....why would I not go??????? Not only was I left behind, I was put in kennels for the day. I made my feelings very clear, as the chap carried me off I yelled and cried....very loudly.....I could see that P was in tears by the time she got to the car but I am sure she will be the first to admit it was self inflicted. In one of the gardens at the show P found a stone dog that looked like me and took a photo so that proves that she was thinking of me which is nice. I have to admit everyone has been very nice to me today in an attempt to make up for it. It didn't.
Saturday, 22 May 2010

Friday, 21 May 2010
I know I wasn't going to post until I got home but it's been a very exciting evening and I just thought I would share it with you.
Samuel has finished school and went to his Prom night. I figured he looked cool enough to be photographed with me so here we are, probably two of the best looking chaps you're ever likely to see. There was a big crowd of them who all went in the big red bus that you can see behind us.
I wonder why there are no Proms for dogs, I like parties.
I know I wasn't going to post until I got home but it's been a very exciting evening and I just thought I would share it with you.
Samuel has finished school and went to his Prom night. I figured he looked cool enough to be photographed with me so here we are, probably two of the best looking chaps you're ever likely to see. There was a big crowd of them who all went in the big red bus that you can see behind us.
I wonder why there are no Proms for dogs, I like parties.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Well, it was quite a day today, as you know I'm mascot to the scout group so when the Beavers went on a camp at Keilder Water P and I went with Audrey to spend the day with them. I was a bit worried when they went out on the water in a boat. I even tried to follow them, right up to my middle and you know how much I dislike water. P had to wrap me in my blanket until I dried off which I quite liked.
I then found a boat to play in but of course it wasn't on the water.
The Beavers all had a really great time, and so did I.
Well, it was quite a day today, as you know I'm mascot to the scout group so when the Beavers went on a camp at Keilder Water P and I went with Audrey to spend the day with them. I was a bit worried when they went out on the water in a boat. I even tried to follow them, right up to my middle and you know how much I dislike water. P had to wrap me in my blanket until I dried off which I quite liked.
I then found a boat to play in but of course it wasn't on the water.
The Beavers all had a really great time, and so did I.
I love this weather, it means that we go to the beach more, P isn't always all that keen when it's cold or raining. She had an essay to work on this week so she took all her books on the sands so that I could play. I ran and ran like a mad thing then got my tippy toes wet, as you know I am not keen on getting wet so I didn't go too close. Eventually a rather friendly dog turned up, he gave me a kiss then we played for ages. A good day.
I love this weather, it means that we go to the beach more, P isn't always all that keen when it's cold or raining. She had an essay to work on this week so she took all her books on the sands so that I could play. I ran and ran like a mad thing then got my tippy toes wet, as you know I am not keen on getting wet so I didn't go too close. Eventually a rather friendly dog turned up, he gave me a kiss then we played for ages. A good day.
Friday, 2 April 2010
I have just had the chance to join in something very special. The Carlisle section of the Northern Cross who were walking from Carlisle to Holy Island carrying a cross for an Easter service, spent the night in our village hall and I got to have my photo taken with them before they left. They walked in dreadful weather....respect.
Having found the Easter Egg basket****** I would like to wish you all a VERY HAPPY EASTER xxx
I have just had the chance to join in something very special. The Carlisle section of the Northern Cross who were walking from Carlisle to Holy Island carrying a cross for an Easter service, spent the night in our village hall and I got to have my photo taken with them before they left. They walked in dreadful weather....respect.
Having found the Easter Egg basket****** I would like to wish you all a VERY HAPPY EASTER xxx
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Sunday, 14 February 2010
What a great day I have had, I was made to be spoilt. When it turned midnight and my special day had started, P took me for a walk down by the river, we love to be out when it's still and quiet and there is no-one else out (just as well, she was in her dressing gown!!!) We were both chilly when we got back but the fire was still on and P had a hot chocolate and I had a pigs ear.
When we got up in the morning I opened P's card then my presents. I got a new Roar Paw because the roar has gone from my other four. P says it's because I take them outside in the rain??? I got lots of cuddles during the morning then a phone call from Surrey. Would you believe, apart from an ecard with chipmunks singing happy birthday they sang to me down the phone and cut a cake the girls had baked with Roxy that had three candles on. Hey, did I feel special or what??
Later on friends from the village came in and would you believe it I got more presents!! Yummy little bones with meat in, my favourite chews, meat with bacon on the top mmmmmm and a toy pheasant. Now the pheasant makes very realistic noises and I wasn't at all sure that it was dead so I set about making sure. I shook it so hard that I got a bit of a headache but Phez knew who was boss I can tell you.

Then my cake came out with three candles on, more singing then a general hub-ub of tea, cake, biscuits and chat. There were pleanty of people to play with me and I wasn't still for a second but by the end of the afternoon I was glad to settle in for a cuddle or find a knee to sit on.
When everyone had gone I was really quite tired and I think both P and I had a little doze before going out for a walk. Usually we go to the beach on my birthday but we never got there today, however P has promised that we will go tomorrow so all in all it is turning out to be a very fine weekend.
By bedtime I was more than ready for bed. I have a lovely comfy fur bed (thank you willow) and on really cold nights like tonight P puts a warm hot water bottle underneath...bliss.
What a great day I have had, I was made to be spoilt. When it turned midnight and my special day had started, P took me for a walk down by the river, we love to be out when it's still and quiet and there is no-one else out (just as well, she was in her dressing gown!!!) We were both chilly when we got back but the fire was still on and P had a hot chocolate and I had a pigs ear.
When we got up in the morning I opened P's card then my presents. I got a new Roar Paw because the roar has gone from my other four. P says it's because I take them outside in the rain??? I got lots of cuddles during the morning then a phone call from Surrey. Would you believe, apart from an ecard with chipmunks singing happy birthday they sang to me down the phone and cut a cake the girls had baked with Roxy that had three candles on. Hey, did I feel special or what??
Later on friends from the village came in and would you believe it I got more presents!! Yummy little bones with meat in, my favourite chews, meat with bacon on the top mmmmmm and a toy pheasant. Now the pheasant makes very realistic noises and I wasn't at all sure that it was dead so I set about making sure. I shook it so hard that I got a bit of a headache but Phez knew who was boss I can tell you.
Then my cake came out with three candles on, more singing then a general hub-ub of tea, cake, biscuits and chat. There were pleanty of people to play with me and I wasn't still for a second but by the end of the afternoon I was glad to settle in for a cuddle or find a knee to sit on.
When everyone had gone I was really quite tired and I think both P and I had a little doze before going out for a walk. Usually we go to the beach on my birthday but we never got there today, however P has promised that we will go tomorrow so all in all it is turning out to be a very fine weekend.
By bedtime I was more than ready for bed. I have a lovely comfy fur bed (thank you willow) and on really cold nights like tonight P puts a warm hot water bottle underneath...bliss.
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
January 2010
Wow, we have had SO much snow, I really loved it at first but then it got so deep that I had trouble walking. We couldn't get out of the village for days at a time but we had pleanty of food in so all was well. Clive has a four wheel drive and he went and got bread and milk for us when he was able so there was only a couple of days when I wasn't able to have my porridge. Needless to say I was brave about it. The tractor came in and tried to clear the front of the house and I really enjoyed climbing up the pile of snow he made. It even snowed on the beach when we finally got there. What a winter.
Wow, we have had SO much snow, I really loved it at first but then it got so deep that I had trouble walking. We couldn't get out of the village for days at a time but we had pleanty of food in so all was well. Clive has a four wheel drive and he went and got bread and milk for us when he was able so there was only a couple of days when I wasn't able to have my porridge. Needless to say I was brave about it. The tractor came in and tried to clear the front of the house and I really enjoyed climbing up the pile of snow he made. It even snowed on the beach when we finally got there. What a winter.
December 2009
What a nice Christmas we had, so many things to go to and people to visit. I really enjoyed the carol singing round the Christmas tree on the village green but it was a bit cold. P was poorly over Christmas so we stayed in and stayed warm and ate lots of turkey....I love turkey....I had lots of lovely presents and it was nice to see my Christmas stocking again.
What a nice Christmas we had, so many things to go to and people to visit. I really enjoyed the carol singing round the Christmas tree on the village green but it was a bit cold. P was poorly over Christmas so we stayed in and stayed warm and ate lots of turkey....I love turkey....I had lots of lovely presents and it was nice to see my Christmas stocking again.
September 2009
One of the things Ilike doing is barking, and I do it well. If someone walks through the village I need to warn P. So why does she try so hard to persuade me to be quiet????? Now she is going as far as to put a fence up so that I can't see out. Does she really think that will stop me??? When the first fence went up I taught myself to climb a tree so that I could see over the top. P was totally amazed and realised I think that you have to get up very early in the morning to get the better of Pippin.
One of the things Ilike doing is barking, and I do it well. If someone walks through the village I need to warn P. So why does she try so hard to persuade me to be quiet????? Now she is going as far as to put a fence up so that I can't see out. Does she really think that will stop me??? When the first fence went up I taught myself to climb a tree so that I could see over the top. P was totally amazed and realised I think that you have to get up very early in the morning to get the better of Pippin.
Tuesday 24th November
Well, it has been a long time since I talked to you. My scribe has been unwell on and off and not got round to it. There is too much news to tell you everything so I will just share an important event that happened when we were down in Surrey on holiday during the summer. Eleanor decided that I should be Baptised!!! It was all taken very seriously, Kim wrote an order of service (with a rather fetching photo of me on the front) and officiated. I was babtised with sparkling water that had rose petals in. The other family and friends sang the chosen hymns lustily, much to the surprise of the neighbours I suspect, then Roxy brought out a Christening cake she had made herself. Friends of Samuel called in and they joined in too.
We all had a great time, especially me....Pippin Benson.
Well, it has been a long time since I talked to you. My scribe has been unwell on and off and not got round to it. There is too much news to tell you everything so I will just share an important event that happened when we were down in Surrey on holiday during the summer. Eleanor decided that I should be Baptised!!! It was all taken very seriously, Kim wrote an order of service (with a rather fetching photo of me on the front) and officiated. I was babtised with sparkling water that had rose petals in. The other family and friends sang the chosen hymns lustily, much to the surprise of the neighbours I suspect, then Roxy brought out a Christening cake she had made herself. Friends of Samuel called in and they joined in too.
We all had a great time, especially me....Pippin Benson.
13th February was my birthday, I was two. It was a good day. P sang Happy Birthday at midnight and again when we got up, she hadn't got more tuneful after a night's sleep! The whole morning was about ME, we played ball in the garden and tug of war with all my toys and I had a bath and got brushed for my official birthday photo. I don't think it looks like me but I guess it's good for a lad to look smart sometimes. Unfortunately I forgot about the party in the afternoon and went and rolled in the snow so I was a scruffy mess again by the time everyone arrived. It was nice to have all my friends to tea and I had one of my new pig's ears that Rose brought straight away. There was a birthday cake for people and one for me. Rosie helped me blow out the candles then I took my presents round to show everyone. In the photo I am showing Rose and Rosie the teddy bear that Mary gave me. I had a phone call from Surrey which was special. I was quite tired by the time everyone left and P and I had an early night. I took one of my favourite chews that Audrey had given me up to bed and I took my new teddy bear, his name is Valentine. It was a good day and I am looking forward to my next birthday.
As you see I dressed for Christmas. I couldn't decide which subect to use for my fancy dress so apart from the angel I did the whole nativity as well. What do you think? It was a bit of a squash in the crib when I was Jesus but it was nice and warm on a rather cold day. P and I went to Surrey for Christmas and had a really good time. I was a little spoilt but really that is only fitting. I got a new toy called Gilbert that I cuddle when I go to sleep. I'll put his photo on too. When we got home I carried Gilbert all round the garden so he got used to his new home. We have just about got back into the swing of the village, I've been back to the sewing group and it was good to see my friends again, I'd missed them. Last night I went to a slide show in the village hall last night and caught up with more friends.
I hope you all had a good Christmas and got as many presents as I did and that 2009 brings us all everything we could wish for.
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