Thursday 16 February 2012


I am sorry that there has been such a long gap between posts.....but it is NOT my fault!! It can be very difficult when a dog has to rely on staff. Admittedly things have been a bit difficult, P's Open University course took up way more time than expected which meant some of MY very modest needs were neglected!!??!! Then she was unwell for a while, I even had to move out of my home while she was in hospital! thank goodness for Audrey who looked after me so well. Never mind, things are back to normal now and I had my fifth birthday this week. I had cards, gifts and goodies, including a strange rubber monkey who made strange noises and threw his arms in the air and stuck his tongue out if his tummy was pressed. I managed to cope with this by ignoring it but it was SOOOOO much harder to ignore Clive when he did his frighteningly lifelike imitation of said monkey. Still, a good time was had by all, yay, happy birthday ME!!