Saturday 4 September 2010


It was a good morning, I got a certificate!! and a prize!! We had a village Sunflower Competition and the tallest was just huge.....but there was a prize for the smallest too, that is what I won!! P doesn't think I should have won because mine was only the smallest because I ate the top of it but there was nothing in the rules to say that I couldn't eat it. Anyway, Marion is more generous than P and she presented me with my certificate which P has put on the wall by my bed.
You will be shocked to learn Gentle Reader that I have been rather badly done to!!!! I was so looking forward to a visit from Becky but just before she came P said something about allergies to dogs????? How could that be?? Nobody would be allergic to dogs....we are wonderful. However, as soon as Becky arrived I was SHUT IN THE KITCHEN. Sorry to shock you but hey, it happened. Twice when P came through to put the kettle on I escaped and I made sure it took a lot of food to tempt me back. Not one of my better days I can tell you.