Wednesday 26 May 2010

Whew, it's a busy old life down here, there is always something going on. Joseph had his confirmation on the 23rd, he is the handsome blonde one in the front of the picture. As you will have seen there is one very important thing missing from this family outing......ME!!!  I  know you will find this hard to understand dear reader but I was not invited to the church!! As I am a good natured kind of a dog I have posted the photo anyway. Now, I can understand that me being banned from Church was not Joseph's fault, I am not quite as undertanding that yesterday Kim and P left me behind when they went to Chelsea Flower Show. Didn't they think it through, flowers for me to smell, trees to wee on, loads of soil to dig in.....why would I not go??????? Not only was I left behind, I was put in kennels for the day. I made my feelings very clear, as the chap carried me off I yelled and cried....very loudly.....I could see that P was in tears by the time she got to the car but I am sure she will be the first to admit it was self inflicted. In one of the gardens at the show P found a stone dog that looked like me and took a photo so that proves that she was thinking of me which is nice. I have to admit everyone has been very nice to me today in an attempt to make up for it. It didn't.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Kim took P and I to Brighton an we loved it. Dogs seemed to be welcome in more places than they usually are and I went into all sorts of  interesting shops. We had lunch outside and they were both quite generous with tasty little treats for me, which was nice, then we played on the beach. There was no sand, just lots of pebbles which were none too comfortable on my little feet. Still it was a good day and we all want to go back.

Friday 21 May 2010


I know I wasn't going to post until I got home but it's been a very exciting evening and I just thought I would share it with you.
Samuel has finished school and went to his Prom night. I figured he looked cool enough to be photographed with me so here we are, probably two of the best looking chaps you're ever likely to see. There was a big crowd of them who all went in the big red bus that you can see behind us.
I wonder why there are no Proms for dogs, I like parties.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

MAY 2010

Things are afoot, P is packing a suitcase, so far she only has the important things and books!! We are going down to Surrey to visit our lovely family so I will tell you all about it when I get back.