Saturday 17 April 2010

Well, it was quite a day today, as you know I'm mascot to the scout group so when the Beavers went on a camp at Keilder Water P and I went with Audrey to spend the day with them. I was a bit worried when they went out on the water in a boat. I even tried to follow them, right up to my middle and you know how much I dislike water. P had to wrap me in my blanket until I dried off which I quite liked.
I then found a boat to play in but of course it wasn't on the water.
The Beavers all had a really great time, and so did I.
I love this weather, it means that we go to the beach more, P isn't always all that keen when it's cold or raining. She had an essay to work on this week so she took all her books on the sands so that I could play. I ran and ran like a mad thing then got my tippy toes wet, as you know I am not keen on getting wet so I didn't go too close. Eventually a rather friendly dog turned up, he gave me a kiss then we played for ages. A good day.

Friday 2 April 2010

I have just had the chance to join in something very special. The Carlisle section of the Northern Cross who were walking from Carlisle to Holy Island carrying a cross for an Easter service, spent the night in our village hall and I got to have my photo taken with them before they left. They walked in dreadful weather....respect.
Having found the Easter Egg basket****** I would like to wish you all a  VERY HAPPY EASTER xxx

Thursday 1 April 2010

Well, I have just had a staring part in the scout's production of Bugsy!! It did mean wearing a tutu, bows and a tiara (which I lost) but a dog has to suffer for his art.